
Class 12th Biology Chapter 3 - Reproductive Heath Part 1

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 : This chapter is about Reproductive Health. We are going to cover the topics like Reproductive Health, Population Explosion,Birth Control,Infertility,MTP, Infertility,ART,etc. We have prepared this article very carefully and tried to include all those important topics and notes from the chapter which you can use in your preparation for 12th exam or any other upcoming competitive exams.


In this chapter we have covered all the topics related to Reproductive Health which are listed below:-


Reproductive health

Population explosion

Birth control

Method of birth control





                             Reproductive Health 


Reproductive Health

The people’s of a society having all types of normal emotional & behaviour interaction with physical & normal functioning reproductive organs is in all aspects of sex related is termed as Reproductively healthy.


Problems and strategies for Reproductive Health

.There should be complete ban on amniocentesis for the determination of sex of child.

.There should be sex education in schools.

.The information regarding STD Sexually transmitted disease should be given to people’s.

.The people’s of society must be aware of sex crime, population explosion.

.For attaining the total Reproductive health as social goal , India was the country who organise the programmes at national level and action plans.

.In 1951 India organise the Family Welfare Programme whose aim is to provide maternal and child health care family planning service.

.The government should create awareness through media and audio system facilities.

.The technologies which are introduced for the reproductive health should be always upgraded to newer technologies.

Factors which need to under check for maternal and infant mortality decrease rate:-

1.On matter of sex related there should be awareness regarding this.

2.The deliveries should be medically assisted and the post natal care should be better.

Population explosion & birth control

There is a rapid growth in number of species especially in humans after the second world war.

It also leads to increase in birth rate and decrease in maternal rate.

On all resources there is a increase in stress.


There is a decrease in death rate.

There is a decrease in infant mortality rate.

There is a decrease in maternal mortality rate

The methods which is used to control population explosion

There should be use of contraceptive device.

The age for marriage should be increased for girl 18 years and for boy 21 years.

Ideal contraceptive

There should be no side effects and not affect the sexual drive .

It should be available easily and effective.

If there is any side effects  then it should  be less or minimum.

Natural family planning

In this planning the woman have to record the menstrual cycle by which she would find out the ovulation period and during this time they have to avoid intercourse.

Three ways for safe period are:-


In this method the family requires abstinence on days when the woman is fertile. When  woman’s ovulation occurs it is very difficult to predict and which leads to failure of this system.


In this method the temperature of woman should be recorded in daily basis by placing thermometer in the mouth and before ovulation the temperature decrease and after next day it rises up to 0.5 °F to 1°F. There is a problem in this method that is stress which leads to influence of temperature.


In this method the mucus secreted by the cervix is thin and the quantity of mucus increses at ovulation time. Also the stickiness should be checked daily.

4.Coitus method.

During intercourse the removing of penis from vagina before ejaculation will decrease the chances of pregnancy and the vagina should be washed immediately.

5.Lactational amenorrhea

After the birth of the baby there is no ovulation for 6 month which is safe for intercourse and during this no pregnancy will occur.

In natural method there is very high chances of failure as it is not completely safe and is free of chemicals which avoids any side effects.

Artificial family planning

It is the process which is used to prevent pregnancy through any unnatural technique.

Before artificial family planning use of natural family planning was done but it was not reliable.

Types of artificial planning are:-

1.Barrier contraception

They are the physical barriers whose work is to prevent the sperm to reach into the woman’s reproductive system or to keep the sperms out .They are not expensive and there is no side effect of using this.Condom is the most popular one whose work is to collect the sperm after ejaculation.It is also protects from veneral disease.

Diaphragm is the rubber cap which is inserted inside the vagina to prevent the entry of sperm into the womb but it should be inserted first by the doctor or nurse to know the correct size of it.It should be removed after 6 hours of intercourse which ensures that all the sperms are dead.

Spermicidal agents are the foams, creams, etc. which is used to destroy the sperms chemically.They should be used with condoms or without.

2.(Intra uterine Device) IUD

There are various types of plastic devices are available which is used to prevent the fertilised eggs to implant into the womb by placing in th womb of woman’s they are coils and loops basically.

The non medicated IUDs are Lippes loop, CuT, Cu7,LNG 20,etc.

When the IUDs are inserted inside they cause sometimes menstrual bleeding and also it increases the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease which also cause sterility.

3.Pills & injection

Pills are of two types.:-

The pill which consists of estrogens and progesterone is combined pill.

The pill which consists progesterone is mini pill.

The pills which consists of estrogens is used to stop the ovaries to shed the eggs. The progesterone in pills is used to make the mucous of cervix hostile to sperms which changes the character of womb lining by which the Implantation of Fertilized eggs become unfavorable.


It is a new pill which contains high contraceptive value and it is a once a week pill.It is developed in Central Drug Research Institute at Lucknow which contains non steroidal preparation.


The surgical method is know6as sterilization which is advised for male and female both.In this process the gametes are blocked.The male process is known as Vasectomy which is 15 to 30 minutes process in which the tube which carry the sperm is cut and tied after all there is no change in sexual feelings and  In orgasm . The female sterilization process is tubal ligation, the tube which carry the eggs to the womb is cut and tied  near the navel.

Medical termination of pregnancy

It is done upto 12 weeks according to Medical termination of pregnancy if the pregnancy is likely to result in congenitally malformed child or continuation of pregnancy which harms the mother in the exiting circumstances so, it is done.

Medical termination of pregnancy

The voluntary termination of pregnancy before full term is knows as Medical termination of pregnancy MTP OR induced Abortion.In all over the world in a year there is 40 to 50 millions of MTPs are performed.It is done to avoid unwanted pregnancies which are due to unprotected intercourse or by rapes.

Following methods used for MTPs are

1.Dilatation and curettage D&C - The process of this method is to removed the implanted ovum by dilating the cervix.

2.Aspiration - The process of this method is to removed the implanted ovum by vaccum Aspiration.It is done untill the 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Administration of prostaglandin

The process of administration of prostaglandin is to increase the uterine contractions by using prostaglandin PGF2 and PGE2 which is administrated intravaginally which results in abortion.

The Inequality of sexes

There are 46 chromosomes in human beings present in somatic cell.There is 22 pairs of autosomes and one X and one Y chromosome in male and in female there is 22 autosomes and pair of one X chromosome. The sex of porogeny is determined by the male gametes.


After insecure coitus when female and male is incapble to contribute full pregnancy then this process is known as infertility.

The infertility in female partner is about 30% in Reproductive system and 30% in male malfunctioning of reproductive system.

It is the defect in either partner.

Types of infertility causes

1.Poor sperm production

It is because the cell which is making the sperm is damaged which leads In semen only few sperms . Also the sperm lack mobility which is need to reach to the eggs.

2.Poor egg production

The eggs may fail to develop regularly from pituitary gland during each menstrual cycle by which fimbria may be unable to close the ovary , the fallopian tube to receive the egg have to await the sperm.


 The sperm will not pass because the mucous made by cervix and womb is thick and tenacious.

4.Hostile response to sperm

After receiving the sperm from the man , the woman produces the antibodies in her blood which reacts to sperm.

Remedy for infertility


The obstruction which is in woman should be cleared with surgery which clear all the obstruction present in woman.


Use of immuno suppresive drugs which reduce the antibodies to sperm.

3.Poor sperm production

By giving the progesterone injection a male testes can produce sperms which will increase the quality and counts of numbers.

4.Poor egg production

By giving the gonadotrophins injection and pills which stimulate the pituitary gland and ovaries.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies or ART

It is a technology by which the female's attains pregnancy through various methods such as AI,IVF,GIFT,etc. It is a medical technique which is used to tackle the infertility in male's sperm and female's eggs.

a.Artificial Insemination or AI

Without introducing the semen into the vagina at intercourse the egg is fertilized inside the woman body.In this process the semen is directly inserted into the uterus IUI of the female.

b.In vitro fertilization or IVF

In this process the egg is removed front he body of woman and it is fertilised by the sperm outside the body is called In vitro fertilization.

c.GIFT OR Gamete intrafallopian transfer

In this process the egg and the sperm is taken out of the body and directly introduced inside the fallopian tube before fertilization.

d.ZIFT or Zygote intrafallopian transfer

In this process the gametes after fertilization becomes zygote in the lab which is introduced in the fallopian tube.

e.IUT or Intra uterine transfer

When more than 8 blastomere embryos are transferred into the uterus is known as intra uterine transfer.

f.ICSI or Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection

In this process in lab the embryo is developed in which the sperm is injected to ovum.

g.Surrogate motherhood

This process is done by taking the sperm of the infertile woman and introduced to the womb of normal woman untill the birth of a baby then the baby is returned to the infertile woman.

h.Womb Leasing

In this process when woman can’t able to carry the baby throughout the pregnancy then an embryo is which is produced through her eggs and his husband sperm is introduced to another woman’s womb.

i.Embryo donation

If a woman is not able to produce the eggs then the eggs of an donar woman is taken and introduced in vitro with husband sperm after that the embryo is introduced to infertile woman’s womb.


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Last Updated

April 13th, 2024 10:26 PM




Vishal Mishra
