
Class 12th Biology Chapter 3 Reproductive Health Part 2

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology Chapter 3: This chapter is about Reproductive Health. We are going to cover the topics like  Test tube baby,Amniocentesis,genetic counselling,STD, Embryo freezing, AIDS,etc. We have prepared this article very carefully and tried to include all those important topics and notes from the chapter which you can use in your preparation for 12th exam or any other upcoming competitive exams.


In this chapter we have covered all the topics related to Reproductive Health which are listed below:-


Test tube baby

Embryo Freezing


Genetic counseling



Gonorrhoea hepatitis -B



                                 Reproductive Health


Test Tube Babies

In this method the egg is removed by the woman body and is fertilized by husband’s sperm out the body , after that a laparoscope is introduced inside the woman abdominal cavity under anaesthesia to check whether there is an egg is developing in the ovary or not. If there is egg then it is removed by a long hollow needle and it is kept in a chamber which is specially prepared after this the egg is kept in a open dish and added a dilute solution of sperm of husband in a sterile condition after that one of the sperm fertilizes the egg and the development of egg is started. After 40 hours the 8 cell stage or 16 cell stage is reached then the eggs is returned to the woman’s womb by a fine plastic tube. If the timing and lining of the womb is ready to to receive the fertilised egg normally like a natural way then the baby which is produced is called test tube baby.

Baby who was first produced by in vitro fertilization  is Louise Brown.

Embryo freezing

In this method the egg which is fertilized in In Vitro is taken and after that it is frozen in a tank of liquid nitrogen at -200°C . The frozen egg is now introduced in the womb of mother from where the pregnancy can continue.


It is the technique which is used to check the sex of the child  or the foetal abnormalities by taking the sample of amniotic fluid through a hypodermic needle which is inserted into the uterus.

This method is performed for a certain category.

.During delivery the woman is 35 years of age or more.

.The couple who have a child with Down syndrome.

.After ultrasound it indicates foetal abnormalities.

Genetic counseling

The counsell who offers advices for the genetic problem is called genetic counseling.

It was introduced in 1940 by Sheldon Reed.

It was advisable for person who have

.Birth defect of genetic disorder.

.Ethnic disorder like sickel cell anemia.

Sexually Transmitted Disease or STD

The disease which is caused by sexual activity is called sexually transmitted disease (STD) or Reproductive tract infection (RTI) or veneral disease (VD).

SOME Sexually transmitted disease are

Gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital warts, genital harps, Chlamydiasis, trichomoniasis, hepatitis -B and AIDS.

Except genital harps, HIV infection and hepatitis -B all others are curable if they are detected early.

Some STD are.


It is caused by gonococcus bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can damage the eyes of baby and a scar at the front of eye ball and in woman it affects the fallopian tube which results in pelvic inflammation .It can also cause infertility in both male and female.


In males there will be burning in penis 3 to 10 days after  sexual activity which also cause discharge of yellowish pus.

In females it will advise frequent urination, pain during urination after 3 to 11 days.

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It spreads to other body parts by genitalia.


. Use of condoms during sexual intercourse.

.less sexual intercourse which results in lower risk of gonorrhoea.

. Injection of PPF 2.4mu with probenecid 1gm orally.


It is caused by a cork screw shaped bacterium Treponema pallidum also Spirocheata pallida.


It has three stage of symptoms .

First stage in this stage the ulcer comes to penis or rectus , lips, tongue , etc. which heals in 2 to 4 weeks.

Second stage In this stage the rashes all over the body and inside the mouth occurs after 1 to 12 months of primarily ulcer has cured. It is also disappears after 1 to 2 weeks.

Third stage In this stage again new disorder will come which are slow growing abscesses and cardiovascular disorder and central nervous system disorder.

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It is caused by sexual intercourse or by kissing with infected person.


.Use of condom during intercourse.

.Checking the blood of all pregnant woman’s  at daily basis to check congenital syphilis.

. Using the antibiotics like PPF 6 lac for 8 days and tetracycline.

3.Genital harps

In United States this disease is very common. It is caused by herpes simplex virus 2 OR HSV 2 or herpes simplex virus 1 OR HSV 1.


There will be blisters around the genitals.

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It is caused by sexual contact. The fluids which are found in herpes sore carry the virus and it can cause infection if contact with those fluids.


.This infection does not have cure. But it can be lessened.

.always keep the area clean.

.avoid sexual activity.

.Take pain killers like aspirin.


It is caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis.

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It can be spread by vaginal, anal and oral sex. Also it will passed from an infected mother to her baby.


The symptoms occurs after one to three weeks.

In males discharge from urethra and pain in head of penis with swollen testicular.

In females there will be pain while urinating , vaginal discharge and pain during sexual intercourse.


It can be cured by taking antibiotics like tetracycline .

Avoid multiple sex  partners and restrict yourself to one sexual partner only.

5.Genital warts

It is caused by human papilloma virus or HPV . They are of two types – 6 and 11.

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It is caused by sexual intercourse from one person to another .


This is the warts which grows in the genital area and they are painfull with bumps which are soft to touch and they occurs after 6 weeks to 6 months after infection. It grows fastly in weekened immune system and during pregnancy.


.Always try to clean the affected area.

. Try to avoid sexual intercourse.

. Take the HPV Vaccine.

. It can be removed by surgery or with laser.


It is caused by flagelleted protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.

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It is caused by sexual intercourse. In female it affects genital tract and in males urethra.


Males feel burning during urination and discharge from the penis.

Females feel burning in genitals and discharge with clear , white , yellowish and greenish with unusual smell.


Using of condoms during sex.

The use of drug metronidazole simultaneously.

7.Hepatitis -B

It is caused by hepatitis B virus which occurs at any age with incubation period of 6 to 26 weeks. 

It spreads through transfusion equipment in hospitals, syringes and splashes in eyes or by sexual intercourse.

It can be present for years or for a life time. Also it can cause cirrhosis and cancer of liver.

a.Hepatitis C 

It is similar to Hepatitis -B and caused by Hepatitis C virus and spread through blood transfusion.

b.Hepatitis D 

It is caused by Hepatitis D virus and is spread same like hepatitis -B .It damages the liver and also has the higher rate of fertility rate compared to hepatitis B.

c.Hepatitis E 

It is caused by Hepatitis E virus and is spread same like hepatitis A and it causes high mortality rate in pregnant women.


Joint pains ,headache and flu symptoms.

Nausea and vomiting with loss of appetite.

Jaundice occurs after 3 to 11 days with yellow urine .


Take bed rest until the fever is settled.

Take protein and fats rich food .


It is caused by retrovirus , HPV .

Earlier it was called by HTLV-III (Human T-lymphocyte virus lll) .


Fever , diarrhea and enlargement of lymph glands.

In severe condition there will be pneumonia and skin cancer, etc.


It spreads by blood transfusion, or by sexual intercourse.

Also sharing of hypodermic needles by addicts and from infected mother to child .


A drug named AZT is used to reverse the transcription which is used to treat the aids .the patient who receive showed the weight gain and increased immunological capacity ,etc. The NACO and NGOs are educating the people’s about AIDS.


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About Vishal Mishra

Technical Xperrt

Last Updated

April 13th, 2024 10:29 PM




Vishal Mishra
